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Florjito Infusion Jar

Florjito Infusion Jar

Regular price $14.75 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.75 USD
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Ingredients: Dehydrated Key Limes, Dehydrated Cucumber, Mint Infused Non-GMO Sugar Cane Cubes

 Just Add: Rum, Vodka, Tea or Water for a Low-Calorie, Zero-Proof Refresher

Potential Health Benefits: 

  • Cucumbers are approximately 95% water, so they are good for hydration.
  • With respect to the water content (or rather the rehydration process), cucumbers are great for better digestion, aids in weight loss, and brightens your skin. 
  • Limes, or more specifically, Key Limes, are one of the main fruits that have been identified as powerhouse for its alkaline properties. Studies show that key limes contain antioxidants that help protect the body. This fruit is said to have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. 
  • Key Limes contain Vitamin C and are said to reduce inflammation; therefore, keys limes can strengthen your immune system. 
  • Mint is very rich in nutrients. 
  • Mint is a powerful herb that can aid in soothing the gut and digestive tract. 
  • Some studies show that even the aroma of the mint can improve brain and cognitive function. 


  • Add the Lavenity Blend and chill.


Some of the ingredients in this blend are:

Locally Sourced & Locally Made

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